On Thursday, graduate student Rowan Brothers successfully defended his PhD thesis. Rowan’s thesis centered around the use of diffuse optical spectroscopies to provide biomarkers of brain health in children with sickle cell disease. His work lays the foundation for this promising application of the technologies. After graduations, Dr. Brothers will continue his impactful research as a postdoctoral scholar in our lab, further advancing our understanding of cerebral hemodynamics in sickle cell disease. Congratulations, Dr. Brothers! 🎉
Category Archives: News & Awards
Buckley lab at the 2018 BMES Conference in Atlanta
The Biomedical Engineering Society holds its annual conference in Atlanta, and biomedical engineers, researchers, and industry representatives come together from all over the nation to learn about current research and techniques being implemented in the field. You can find out more about the conference, as well as the organization here.
This year, we are super proud of our students who presented their research poster at the conference symposium!

Postdoc Paul Lee wins Best Talk at Postdoctoral Research Symposium
Congratulations to our postdoctoral fellow, Dr. Paul Lee, for representing Buckley Lab at the 2018 Georgia Tech Postdoctoral Research Symposium that was held on September 20th. The title of his talk was “Noninvasive Bedside Monitoring of Microvascular Cerebral Blood Flow in Children with Sickle Cell Disease ,” and he won the Best Talk Overall award.