Category Archives: Lab Updates

Cheers to Success and New Beginnings!

Our lab has had a great year, so we celebrated the end of the spring semester at Leon’s Full Service in downtown Decatur. In addition to Dr. Buckley receiving news that her new grant will be funded, we also celebrated two of our lab members- Michelle and Amanda, graduating from Georgia Tech!

Michelle will be leaving our lab to move to Arizona to start at WL Gore as a new product development engineer- we’ll miss you, Michelle!
Amanda will be starting graduate school at Emory’s Rollins School of Public Health in the fall, and she is now our new lab manager, so she’ll be here for a while 🙂
We’ll also miss Corey, who will be leaving our lab to focus on finishing up his senior year at Georgia Tech- moving onto bigger and better things!

We got a lot done this past year, but we’re definitely looking forward to getting some new projects started up this summer. Stay tuned to see all the exciting changes that will be happening in our lab in the near future!

Buckley Lab Adventures in Miami: OSA Biophotonics Conference

At the beginning of this month (4/3-4/6) the Buckley Lab attended the OSA: Optics and the Brain Conference in Florida. This conference was great in keeping us up to date with existing and emerging techniques on the healthy and diseased brain. We were fortunate that we were able to present our lab’s research with posters and talks.

Dr. Buckley gave a talk on the advancements that our lab has been making to elucidate the mechanisms of brain injury. Specifically, using non-invasive DCS (diffuse correlation spectroscopy) measurements, we discovered that low cerebral blood flow is a functional biomarker of cognitive and pathological outcome after repetitive head injury. Kyle also gave a poster presentation on how cerebral blood flow acts as a neuroinflammation biomarker in response to head injuries.
Eashani gave a talk on translating DCS to a preclinical mouse model and the process of validating the accuracy of our measurements.
Paul presented a poster on a Monte-Carlo simulation based inverse algorithm to estimate absorption and scattering properties using small separation (<1cm) frequency-domain near-infrared spectroscopy data. He got a great audience!

Congratulations Paul!

Congratulations to our post-doc, Dr. Paul (Seung Yup) Lee, for receiving the Best Seminar Award in recognition of his outstanding presentation at the BME Seminars at Emory, Fall 201 7!  Paul’s seminar, “Non-Invasive Quantification of Brain Oxygenation and Blood Volume in Mice and Rats Using Near-Infrared Spectroscopy” was well-received and has even helped bring us a few new collaborators as well. Awesome work, Paul!